Industrial infrastructure engineering

Tianjin Airbus Brunerie Et Irissou Architec (1)

Egis supports its industrial clients through every stage in the life cycle of their installations from design through to operation, and at every stage of their projects: preliminary designs, construction engineering and fluid engineering, construction supervision, and operation.

The new challenges posed by the 21st century are transforming the industrial sector. New competitors are emerging and clients are expressing new requirements which oblige the sector to constantly re-invent itself in an attempt to improve productivity and stay in the race. So what are these requirements?

As the whole world wakes up to the environmental challenge and simultaneously enters a fourth industrial revolution - the digital revolution - the industrial sector not only has to act more responsibly towards the environment, it also has to take on board the digital technology allowing it to produce quickly and cheaply - while reducing risks, keeping its plants and factories cost-effective in the face of rising energy prices, and improving its resilience to the contingencies of climate change.

At Egis, our expertise goes right to the heart of these challenges. Regardless of the challenges facing you, our ability to support our industrial clients in every area of expertise and at every step of the value chain makes Egis your partner of choice. Our knowledge of the different industrial sectors combined with a strong culture of innovation allow us to offer the solutions best adapted to your requirements in terms of quality, security, decarbonization and environmental risk.

Our sectors
  • Aeronautics
  • Automotive
  • Data centres
  • Pharmaceutic
  • Transport
  • Logistics
  • Agri-food
  • Water & waste
  • Pulp & paper
Our fields of expertise
  • Project management consultancy (PMC)
  • Environmental assessments, regulatory assessments
  • Planning, master plans
  • Risk and asset management
  • Feasibility / EPCM
  • Project management / construction supervision

Our experts.

Valérie Gallet
Valérie GALLETPharmaceutical and cleanroom/anhydrous industry expert
Sabrina Lamy Dugrand
Sabrina Lamy Dugrand.Datacenter Expert
Lorna Markham
Lorna Markham.Aeronautics Expert
Richard Bris
Richard Bris.Automotive Expert
Cédric De Branche (1)
Cédric de Branche.Logistics Expert

Business coordination.

Isabelle Lopez
Isabelle LopezInternational Environment and Sustainable City Business Director