Digital transformation

Digital reset for engineering
The digital reset

At Egis we are proud of our track record in the digital space, with award-winning tools, skills, and partnerships. But we also know that it’s not enough. The world is changing, fast! And we must adapt what we do and how we do it. So, from early 2023 on, we have reorganised, recruited, and redefined our whole approach to digital. 

New teams, ambitious investment, and a new direction – all with the aim of meeting our climate commitments, supporting our clients, increasing our operational efficiency and enhancing the value-added of our people.


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Redefining digital.

Egis accelerates digital initiatives, aligning with client needs and climate goals for swift progress, innovation, and environmental sustainability.

Turning strategy into action.

Revolutionizing through digital commitment: A new executive board spearadheads cutting-edge initiatives for smarter work, efficiency, and sustainability, with substantial multimillion-Euro investment

Setting up a team of experts.

Expanded in-house team collaborates with sector specialists, managing change through dynamic digital communities led by clear goals.

Elevating excellence with a digital reset.

This deliberate shift reflects a commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements, fostering innovation for heightened efficiency and sustainability. The Digital Reset is not merely a procedural update but a proactive leap into a new era, ensuring our operations align with cutting-edge digital strategies, positioning us as leaders in the dynamic landscape of digital excellence.

Our top Experts.

Céline Candelot
Céline CandelotDigital learning manager, Egis Group
Davy Gay
Davy GayDirector of Innovation & Digital, Egis Group
Marie-Vorgan Le Barzic
Marie-Vorgan Le BarzicChange & Digital Director, Energy & Sustainable Cities BL
Nicolas Ferrara
Nicolas FerraraDigital twins and BIM expert, Egis Group
Giulia Pustorino
Giulia PustorinoBIM Manager, Egis Group
Kapil Kumar
Kapil KumarDirector Digital Delivery, Egis Group