Contract administration

Echangeur Routier©Canva

A recognized leader in the field, we provide contract administration (CA) services to all levels of government and the private sector. With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, we have developed deep roots throughout the province of Ontario and in Alberta. Egis CA teams are laser-focused on delivering a project on-time and on-budget. Our contract administrators strive to ensure the owner receives the first-rate construction originally envisioned during the design phase.

On-Time, on-budget, compliant

Our contract administration teams are the “eyes and ears” of the owner.  We consistently deliver construction in a timely and efficient manner, verify the contractor adheres to regulations and contract specifications, and ensure fair compensation is provided for completed work.

Featured projects.

LRT 1 Project Image
Highway 417Infrastructure & Transportation
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1.65 Bay Of Quinte Elevation View 800X500
Highway 49, Bay of Quinte Skyway BridgeInfrastructure & Transportation
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4 Copy 800X500
Replacement of Duchesnay Creek BridgeInfrastructure & Transportation
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15 800X500
Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW)Infrastructure & Transportation
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Hwy 43 06 Twinning Sturgeon Lake Indian Reserve 800
Highway 43:06Infrastructure & Transportation
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